MC Nation Podcast



We Have Moved

Monday Feb 23, 2009

Monday Feb 23, 2009

Hey everybody!
I am excited to let everyone know that we have successfully moved the Motorcycle Nation Podcast to our own domain at If you are subscribed to the blog/podcast via RSS or iTunes you will need to go to the new site and update your feeds so that you will still receive the content.
It has been a good run at Podbean and I thank them for what they offer to the beginning blogger / podcaster.
Update your feeds at  in the upper right corner.
Thank You and we will see you at home!

Who Am I?

Saturday Dec 20, 2008

Saturday Dec 20, 2008

I am a motorcycle enthusiast with a passion for technology which led to the creation that you read today. Although I had tinkered with blogging at one time, my love for podcasts was realized when I purchased a Mac computer and an iPod, both of which I love. I have been a motorcycle rider for over 20 years and I spend quite a bit of my time involved in different areas. When I am not riding or working my normal job I spend my time doing what you read and hear here, help manage a motorcycle safety site for ABATE of Indiana, teach basic and experienced motorcycle safety classes, and conduct state motorcycle examinations. As a former active duty US Marine (Once a Marine, Always a Marine), I believe in our rights and I spend what time I can lobbying at the statehouse and writing or calling my legislators.
My family is a motorcycling family as my wife and son ride as well. I am Dad to four (18 to 5 years old) and "Paps" to one grandbaby. I look forward to improving this every post and podcast and providing you a place to come enjoy your love of the sport.
Ride Safe

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