Wednesday Feb 18, 2009

Motorcycle Wisdom - Part 1

I recently received an email from a friend and fellow motorcyclist that contained motorcycle wisdom. I do not know who the original author was but if they contact me I will provide the obligatory reference if they can provide proof. Anyway, I found some of these to be very true and some just to be extremely funny. The list contains mostly motorcycle related references but some were just about basic life. I have only pulled my favorites from this list and leave them here for you. Amazingly, there are things to learn as well as the humor. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. If you have any that you don't see here please leave them in comments! Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul. Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get interesting until about 60 mph. Midnight bugs taste just as bad as noon time bugs. (one of my faves) Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. It takes more love to share the saddle than it does to share the bed. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rear view mirror. Don't ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise. Sometimes it takes a whole tank of fuel before you can think straight. Riding faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride alone. Never hesitate to ride past the street light at the edge of town. Never do less than 40 miles before breakfast. One bike on the road is worth two in the garage. Young riders pick a destination and go. Old riders pick a direction and go. A good mechanic will let you watch without charging you for it. Sometimes the fastest way to get there is to stop for the night. Whatever it is, it's better to do it in the wind. Two lane blacktop isn't a highway, it's an attitude. When you look down the road it seems to never end, but you better believe it does. And with that I will end this post. I have some more motorcycle wisdom for you but you are going to have to come back in a few days to get it. Until then, ride safe. Bullitt

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